about us

Our Passion is Rich User Experience

and our palette includes web, client, and mobile technologies. We offer an unrivaled value to our clients through a unique mixture of business experience, technical talent and the ability to provide a flexible, natural communication process throughout every project and client interaction. MIT is more than an agency, we’re a partner ready to work side-by-side with you and your team no matter how big (or small) your next project might be.

Strategic Insight

We’re former members of Adobe, Microsoft, and numerous start-ups. We’ve seen the best(and the worst) of software development and business management. Allow us to share our decades of collective experience assuring you’re blown away by custom solutions with real business value

Rich User Experience

We believe technology is only useful if it is approachable by real, live human beings. That’s why rich user experiences are at the center of everything we do; it’s how we ensure that your clients will love using your software and you’ll love working with MIT.

 Technology Expertise

We’re products of the modern age; our lives continue to be defined by technological innovation. We’re gadget freaks and net surfing savants. And we love to share our expertise and excitement with our clients and their customers

Flexible Approach

We’ve structured MIT so you can have real conversations, when you want to and how you want to. No more super deep technical speak, no need for crazy detailed spec documents. English is our first language and working on your terms is our top priority.

    our value

MIT thrives because of how we interact with our clients. Our team of western business leaders, former top managers from big company, work to capture the spirit of every client’s vision, as opposed to expecting detailed specifications as a project guide. Only after each client is comfortable with our solutions do we invite our design & development gurus, located in Beijing, China, to craft a comprehensive project from design, through development, and ultimately to a well orchestrated delivery.

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